For a Mechanical

I am humbled to admit such a trivial problem,
to the God of the universe,
to the God who creates and loves so greatly,
and to be honest about my heart in the matter.

Broken parts break my spirit,
Shifting problems derail me.
I admit that this small problem
easily washes away a positive demeanor.

What a frustration!
When things are not working right,
To be forced stop, to be inconvenienced,
To slow down and spend precious time troubleshooting and mending instead of riding.

Remind me, Lord, in this time of frustration,
To seek gratitude for this ride, for this time;
To be thankful for this moment to slow down;
To take a moment to meditate on how this challenge can be a source of blessing and growth.

I am thankful for all the times a ride has gone right,
For the millions of pedal strokes without a problem,
And for this opportunity to grow in patience.
Help me to fix this enough to resume on my way.